Student Success Center


Student Success is committed to student’s academic success from their first research paper to their first job interview. Located on the second floor of the library, the Student Success Center provides academic support and career counseling for all students.

Please contact us for all academic resources, questions/assistance with 在线 needs, 并澄清建议信息/时间表.

我们的建议 & 辅导服务协助和支持学生选择专业,生活 & career callings and academic success.


  • Academic Support Services
  • 专业变更 Counseling
  • Academic Advising for Undecided 专业
  • Academic Advising for Associates Degree

我们也帮助那些在期中考试中挣扎的学生. 学生与我们的学术顾问会面,共同制定中期行动计划.

Advising Information:

ASE provides support for students who demonstrate the need for remediation in basic academic skills as determined by standardized test scores. C-N ASE Program is overseen by Director, Joshua A. 4.  学生 who are required to take at least two ASE courses will be advised by the Student Success Center until satisfactory completion of the courses.

Writing and reading classes are designed to prepare students for writing compositions (essays) and to improve reading and study skills.

  • 阅读技巧(ASE 030*)是一门3学分的课程,在秋季和春季学期开设.  本课程着重于理解和词汇的发展, 听, 做笔记, test-taking and time-management skills.
  • Basic Writing Skills (ASE 031*) is a 3 credit course offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. 本课程着重于语法的复习和发展, 拼写, 词汇表, and composition (essay) skills and mechanics.


  • Intermediate Algebra (ASE 034*) a 3 credit course offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. This course focuses on number system, basic ope比ns and properties, equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, 图, exponents and radicals, 比, 比例, 和变异.
  • Intermediate Algebra II (ASE 070*) a 2 credit course offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. 本课程提供大学代数的额外技能发展. This course is taken with Math-120ST.

通过ASE课程要求成绩至少达到“C”, 任何不及格的课程必须在下学期重修.

In addition, students in this program will be required to take ID 120, Academic Strategies. 这两小时的课程旨在加强学习技能,时间管理技能等. 学生 in the ASE program must satisfy all of the academic requirements of the University (see Academic Standing in the catalog).

*学时不是学位学分,不能用于毕业要求. 然而, academic skills enhancement credit hours and grades are used in determining athletic eligibility (first year only) and enrollment status for financial aid eligibility when required by the University to be taken.

The Career Development Center seeks to provide all C-N students 和校友 with guidance in all of your career development needs.

校友 of Carson-Newman University are always welcome to seek and utilize the services of the Career Development Office. 我们高度鼓励和感谢全球最大的博彩平台的校友, 谁拥有自己的企业或在招聘的公司工作, to let us know when you have 工作人员ing needs. 我们一直渴望将C-N的学生和毕业生与校友联系起来!

Four-Year Action Plan

What Can I Do With My Major?

Focus2 — Online Major & Career Explo比n (initial access code is )

Career Shift — Job Search & Career Management

Job Opportunities



Career Development Center

图书馆 — 2nd Floor

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Director — 马克工人

865-471-4483 or

Spring 2024 Peer Tutor Schedule

Our 同侪教导 program is designed to help you understand difficult concepts and become confident with your knowledge, all in a relaxed setting. Our Peer Tutors are CRLA Level 1 certified, department recommended, and students just like you!

朋辈辅导是每周一至周四下午4:45 - 9点提供的临时服务.m. in the Student Success Center — Room 217. Teams sessions may also be scheduled.


  • 目前C-N的学生可以使用“Brainfuse”在线辅导服务. Brainfuse is accessible through Canvas.
  • The 碳氮库 is offering numerous 在线 resources and the service of live 在线 chats with our research librarians.
  • The Student Success Center is a one-stop-shop for Academic Resources to assist students for in-classroom and remote learning systems. Please check out the Academic Resources – 快速 链接 to utilize these tools and services.

The Writing Center

图书馆 — 2nd floor, Rm 212 & 213

我们为所有全球最大的博彩平台本科生作家提供免费写作支持, through all of the stages of the writing processes and for genres that range from academic essays to business resumes. We offer on-site, face-to-face, individual tutoring that is tailored to the writer’s goals. 我们的导师都是很有成就的本科生, 接受过英语系写作中心的培训辅导.

  • No need to schedule an appointment! 只要在我们的工作时间来写作中心,导师会帮助你.
  • 你可以每周与导师见面两次,每次30分钟. 这意味着你一周总共可以有一个小时的时间, 但这两次半小时的训练需要在一周中的两天进行.
  • 带一份你的论文副本(打印的或在你的电脑上), 你的任务, any notes that you might have—including any questions that you might want to ask—and the email address of your teacher if you want us to send her/him a brief summary of your session. 只有当你要求我们这样做时,你的老师才会被通知你的预约. 否则,你的写作中心预约是保密的.
  • 导师会帮助你改进论文的各个方面, from your thesis, 组织, and structure to citation style, 标点符号, 和拼写.

Dr. Damjana Mraović-O 'Hare -写作中心主任
电话: 865-471-3546

First Gene比n

Student Success is enhancing our First Gene比n program to support and celebrate our first gene比n students, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友. Tri-Alpha — a First Gene比n National Honor Society — was officially awarded Chartership of the Delta Psi Chapter at Carson-Newman University on November 11, 2021. 我们邀请我们的第一代学生,教师和工作人员考虑会员.

Tri-Alpha Student Invitation

Tri-Alpha Student Application

Tri-Alpha Faculty/Staff Invitation

Tri-Alpha Faculty/Staff Application


Research Guidance


本店仅在夏季通过预约开放. 呼叫 865-471-3567 或电子邮件 to schedule a shopping day/time.

这家商店 is a Career Closet and 食品分发处 for Carson-Newman University students in need of professional attire and/or facing food insecurities. The Career Closet, located in Baker Building Room 312, 为学生提供面试时的职业装和商务休闲装, 实习, and career fairs. 食品储藏室, located in Baker Building Room 310, provides non-perishable food items and personal care products for students needing additional support while attending C-N.  所有提供的食物和衣服都是免费的.


Donate Food and Clothing -如果没有联合国捐助者的慷慨捐助,我们无法维持这一资源, 我们的校友, and the Lakeway community. 我们总是需要捐赠不易腐烂的食物, personal care products, and professional attire. 那些希望捐赠给商店的人可以把物品交给学生成功中心, located on the 2nd floor of the library. 从早上9点开始.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. 欢迎致电(865-471-3567)或电邮(,如果你想安排驾车捐款.

Donate time and talent – 这家商店 relies on volunteer support from students, 工作人员, and the community at large. 食品储藏室和壁橱需要志愿者来管理库存, process donations and orders, maintain store space, and assist with customer needs.

捐款 -商店定期采购必需的食品和衣物. 请考虑捐款来支持我们学生的需求. Gifts can be made 在线 (在“指定:基金”下拉菜单下,选择“橡果到橡树:其他”). In “Specify gift designation”, type “The Store”) ; C-N 教师 and 工作人员 may commit to 这家商店 monthly giving program through the payroll deduction.

If you are interested in claiming your donations, then please request a form for tax purposes.

The Student Success Center hosts a variety of fun and engaging activities and events to expose students to the numerous programs and resources offered at Carson-Newman University.  学生, 教师, 员工们都很期待我们的期末晚早餐, Five Days of Finals, 糖果 & Treats, Welcome Week giveaways, Major & 职业资源博览会和更多的活动贯穿全年!

跟着我们走 Instagram for more info and updates!


We provide a variety of services including:

  • 为所有尚未确定专业的学生提供学术咨询
  • 同侪教导 – Certified tutors available to assist students in a variety of courses and subjects
  • Career Development Center
  • Advising students who are on academic probation
  • College Success Strategies courses
  • Student-athletics academic support
  • 写作中心(与英语系合作)
  • 项目/研究指引(与图书馆服务部配合)
  • 这家商店 – Career Closet & 食品分发处

与你的学术顾问交谈,回到课堂,并与教授交谈. Make sure to go to class every day after this.

你应该和你的学术顾问讨论你的专业/辅修的任何变化, 如果有必要的话, a counselor in Student Success. If you decide to change your major, 然后,指导老师会根据你的职业目标讨论改变的适当性. You will fill out a 专业变更 form, get necessary signatures, and return to Student Success. Once the change is processed, you will be assigned an advisor in your new academic department.


跟着我们走 Instagram 就像我们一样 脸谱网 获取我们的项目、服务、活动和事件的最新信息.

呼叫 our office at 865-471-3567 或电子邮件 us at

No, please stop by when you have the time! The Student Success Center is open twelve months of the year, Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

学生成功中心位于图书馆的二楼. Stop by and see us!
Student Success Center


Academic Advisor & The Store Liaison

Jefferson City , TN 37760

Student Success Center


Dean of Student Success

Student Success Center


Academic Advisor & 同侪教导 Liaison

Student Success Center


Academic Advisor & 1st Gene比n Liaison

Student Success Center


Administrative Assistant – Student Success Center

Stephens-Burnett 图书馆 罗素大街1634号nue
Jefferson City, TN 37760

Student Success Center


Assistant Director for Student Success & Director of Career Development